



Cross-Cultural Committee

Cross-Cultural Committee

The Cross Cultural Committee, or C3, promotes awareness, advocacy, and an appreciation for the diversity and inclusion represented at 365英国上市官网 by engaging the campus in a variety of sociocultural activities, experiences, and educational events. The organization has seven standing committees led by a C3 general Board member. Students may sign up for the committees starting at the Student Involvement Fair during Fall Orientation. Each spring, students are invited to apply to open board positions.

The seven standing committees and some of their initiatives are:

  • Hispanic Heritage Cultural Events Committee (Cinco de Mayo)
  • Asian Cultural Events Committee (Chinese New Year, Diwali)
  • International Student Programs (International Bazaar)
  • African-American Cultural Events Committee (Black History Month)
  • DREAM Affiliates (Disability Rights, Education, Activisim, and Mentoring, Accessibility Awareness)
  • LGBTQ History and Cultural Committee (LGBTQ History Month)
  • Women’s History and Cultural Events Committee (Women’s Leadership Panel)

In addition to the Black Student Union, Black Men’s Union, Black Women’s Union, and International Students Association (described in more detail here), other student groups also work closely with the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion, including:

  • International Film Club
  • Hillel: Jewish Student Association
  • Love Asia
  • Middle Eastern Central Asian Alliance
  • Muslim Student Association
  • Spectrum (LGBTQ+Straight Alliance)
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